Source code for etudes.decorators

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
# import tensorflow.keras.backend as K

from functools import wraps

[docs]def negate(fn): @wraps(fn) def new_fn(*args, **kwargs): return -fn(*args, **kwargs) return new_fn
[docs]def unbatch(fn): @wraps(fn) def new_fn(input): batch_input = tf.expand_dims(input, axis=0) batch_output = fn(batch_input) output = tf.squeeze(batch_output) return output return new_fn
[docs]def value_and_gradient(value_fn): @wraps(value_fn) def value_and_gradient_fn(x): # Equivalent to `tfp.math.value_and_gradient(value_fn, x)`, with the # only difference that the gradients preserve their `dtype` with tf.GradientTape(watch_accessed_variables=False) as tape: val = value_fn(x) grad = tape.gradient(val, x) return val, grad return value_and_gradient_fn
[docs]def numpy_io(fn): @wraps(fn) def new_fn(input): input_tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(input) output_tensor = fn(input_tensor) return [output.numpy() for output in output_tensor] return new_fn