Hartmann functions

Hello world

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

from scipy.optimize import minimize
from etudes.decorators import value_and_gradient, numpy_io
num_iterations = 50000
num_runs = 100

seed = 886  # set random seed for reproducibility
random_state = np.random.RandomState(seed)
alpha = np.array([1.0, 1.2, 3.0, 3.2])

A = {}
A[3] = np.array([[3.0, 10.0, 30.0],
                 [0.1, 10.0, 35.0],
                 [3.0, 10.0, 30.0],
                 [0.1, 10.0, 35.0]])
A[6] = np.array([[10.0,  3.0, 17.0,  3.5,  1.7,  8.0],
                 [0.05, 10.0, 17.0,  0.1,  8.0, 14.0],
                 [3.0,  3.5,  1.7, 10.0, 17.0,  8.0],
                 [17.0,  8.0,  0.05, 10.0,  0.1, 14.0]])
A[4] = A[6].T

P = {}
P[3] = 1e-4 * np.array([[3689, 1170, 2673],
                        [4699, 4387, 7470],
                        [1091, 8732, 5547],
                        [381,  5743, 8828]])
P[6] = 1e-4 * np.array([[1312, 1696, 5569,  124, 8283, 5886],
                        [2329, 4135, 8307, 3736, 1004, 9991],
                        [2348, 1451, 3522, 2883, 3047, 6650],
                        [4047, 8828, 8732, 5743, 1091,  381]])
P[4] = P[6].T

x_min = {}
x_min[3] = np.array([0.114614, 0.555649, 0.852547])
x_min[6] = np.array([0.20169, 0.150011, 0.476874, 0.275332, 0.311652, 0.6573])

axis = {}
axis[3] = -1
axis[6] = -1
axis[4] = -2

a = {}
a[3] = 0.0
a[4] = 1.1
a[6] = 0.0

b = {}
b[3] = 1.0
b[4] = 0.839
b[6] = 1.0
def make_hartmann_tf(alpha, A, P, a=0.0, b=1.0, axis=-1):

    def hartmann(x):

        r = tf.reduce_sum(A * tf.square(x - P), axis=axis)
        return (a - tf.reduce_sum(alpha * tf.exp(-r), axis=-1)) / b

    return hartmann
hartmann4d = make_hartmann_tf(alpha, A[4], P[4], a[4], b[4], axis[4])

Starting point

x_init = random_state.rand(4)


array([0.00140876, 0.75240707, 0.10057118, 0.4699249 ])
res = minimize(hartmann4d, x0=x_init, jac=True, method="L-BFGS-B", tol=1e-8)


     fun: -0.1182632861801847
hess_inv: <4x4 LbfgsInvHessProduct with dtype=float64>
     jac: array([-2.38112332e-07,  6.28465891e-07,  1.22074520e-05,  1.61916050e-06])
    nfev: 42
     nit: 27
  status: 0
 success: True
       x: array([0.40389835, 0.67337835, 0.35171053, 0.41247776])
x_min[4] = res.x
def make_hartmann(alpha, A, P, a=0.0, b=1.0, axis=-1):

    def hartmann(x):
        r = np.sum(A * np.square(x - P), axis=axis)
        return (a - np.dot(np.exp(-r), alpha)) / b

    return hartmann
frames = []

for dim in [3, 4, 6]:

    hartmann = make_hartmann(alpha, A[dim], P[dim], a[dim], b[dim], axis[dim])

    xs = random_state.rand(num_runs, num_iterations, 1, dim)
    ys = hartmann(xs)
    y_min = hartmann(x_min[dim])

    df = pd.DataFrame(np.minimum.accumulate(np.abs(y_min - ys), axis=1))
    df.index.name = "run"
    df.columns.name = "iteration"

    s = df.stack()
    s.name = "regret"

    frame = s.reset_index()
    frames.append(frame.assign(name=f"Hartmann {dim}D"))
data = pd.concat(frames, axis="index", sort=True)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

sns.lineplot(x="iteration", y="regret", hue="name",
             # units="run", estimator=None,
             ci="sd", palette="deep", data=data, ax=ax)

plot hartmann

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 27.213 seconds)

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